Being Dad

No one has ever confused me for a rock star. I don’t have a massive following on social media or in reality. But, one place where I shine is with three amazing kids. It’s not because I am perfect. I am not. But, there is a real bond forged by honest, genuine love. I love my kids and they love me.

Here are some reflections on being Dad.

I hope that those positively glowing pair of eyes and smile as wide as her little face will forever be burnt in my mind to bring me true joy whenever I need it.

I hope those shouts of glee, “Daddy’s home!!!” will forever ring in my ears to remind me that I am loved.

I hope that the statement, “that’s my Dad,” pronounced with a subtle tone of pride will play over and over in my mind to carry me through years when I don’t see her quite so often and I begin to wonder, “does she still need me?”

I hope that his desire to be “just like Dad” will remind me that he is watching and learning, and that that will be cause enough to be the very best I can be every day.

I hope that when she climbs up in my lap and says, “I just needed some Daddy time” will remind me that today is the day that matters. Time passes quickly and I will miss these precious moments.

I hope that I can savor each time she says, “I want to beeeeeee with you. Can we do something together?”

I hope that when he asks, “can I really be a gentleman like you” that he knows I know he can, and that he comes to see his potential the way I do. I look at his brown eyes and see so much potential. He will always be good enough to do whatever he chooses.

I hope that I can find a treasure chest in my heart to house the hours learning together as we tackled such disparate subjects as computer programming, mathematics, art, music, languages, and mythology.

I hope that somehow I can savor every moment of being Dad. As they say, the days are long and the years are short. The trick, of course, is to bath in the length of those days even when you want to flee.

But, even with passing of time, and changing of circumstances, I will always be Dad, their biggest fan and cheerleader, urging them on to great heights and immeasurable joy. Forever Dad.


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